Mark Roemer Oakland Details the Process of Selecting a Great Criminal Attorney

Mark Roemer Oakland Details the Process of Selecting a Great Criminal Attorney

Mark Roemer Oakland Details the Process of Selecting a Great Criminal Attorney



According to Mark Roemer Oakland, it’s crucial to select a great criminal attorney when facing any type of criminal charge or for your loved ones. A good criminal defense attorney can be the last thing standing between a life behind bars. However, it’s not easy to find or select a good criminal defense lawyer without proper research.

The Steps

Here are the steps you can follow to choose a great criminal attorney:

  1. Determine the seriousness of your charge – Generally, infractions such as traffic violations and misdemeanors such as shoplifting are less serious forms of charge. In such cases, simply consulting with an attorney before the trial can be enough in most cases. However, if you have been charged with a serious crime or felonies such as armed robbery or murder, it’s crucial to consult a criminal defense attorney.
  2. Decide the type of attorney you require – Next, you have to understand whether you require a state or federal attorney. You need to hire a state attorney if you have been charged with broken contracts, traffic violations, family disputes, robberies, and more. However, for bankruptcy cases, patent cases, copyright cases, and any other cases that involved the violation of the US Constitution, you need to hire a federal defense attorney.
  3. Look for somebody specialized in the field – If you don’t have the resources to hire a private attorney and you are not charged with a serious case, you can opt to hire a public defender.

However, it’s best to hire a specialized criminal defense attorney such as those who only focus on violent crime defense, financial crime defense, rape defense, and others. Just be sure to check with the State Bar Association to confirm whether their specializations align with your needs.

  1. Use reputable sources to find good attorneys – The best way to find a good criminal defense attorney is to check in with the criminal defense lawyer organization in your city or state. They can refer to the best lawyers or provide a relevant directory. Alternatively, you can go online and search the State Bar Website under Certified Criminal Law Specialist in your country to find reputable criminal defense attorneys.
  2. Check for good communication skills – Ethics should be one of the top priorities when choosing a criminal defense attorney. A good criminal defense attorney should look confident and make you feel comfortable too. They must have excellent communication and negotiation skills with an excellent tracks record. Thus, it’s important to ask for their previous experience and referrals from previous clients to ensure they can stand up to their claims.
  3. Be sensible and cautious – Never sign any contract or offer large sums of money to an attorney before you confirm their credentials and make sure they really understand your case. This means you should avoid anybody who only offers blanket statements or promises success even before making a court appearance. The cost of the attorney is generally dependent on the complexity of the case, and they can ask for a retainer, flat fees, hourly rates, or fees for specific parts of the case.


Mark Roemer Oakland suggests you have a face-to-face consultation before selecting a criminal defense attorney for your case. A consultation is not a binding agreement and so you should have nothing to fear.


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